01. The Takarazuka Revue: Its Star System and Fans’ Support


1. 宝塚少女歌劇団花組, “モン巴里”

1. Miyako Nara and the Flower troupe of the Takarazuka Revue Company, “Mon Paris”

From: “Mon Paris” / “Takarazuka Kōshinkyoku” (Takarazuka March). Columbia 25722, 1929, 78 rpm.
Reissued in Omoide no Takarazuka Deluxe (Takarazuka Deluxe of Memories). Columbia Music Entertainment (COCP-35283-4), 2009, CD.

Miyako Nara: lead vocals; Hana-gumi (Flower-troupe) members of the Takarazuka Revue Company: backing vocals; Takarazuka Revue Orchestra: backing orchestra.


“Mon Paris” (music by Vincent Scott and lyrics by Lucien Boyer) was translated by Tatsuya Kishida into Japanese for the first Takarazuka revue, Mon Paris, and became the first popular chanson in Japan.


2. “すみれの花咲く頃”

2. “Sumire-no Hana Saku-koro” (When Violets Come into Blossom)

From: Video of a show, Kayama Yūzō-to Takaraziennes, performed in July 1983.

Yūzō Kayama, Clara Haruka, and Hitomi Kuroki: vocals; Takarazuka Revue Ochestra: backing orchestra.


This is originally a German song “Wenn der weisse Flider wieder blūt” composed by Franz Dölle in 1928. Tetsuzō Shirai translated its lyrics into Japanese when producing Parisette in 1930, and this song turned out to be enormously popular not only among the Takarazuka audience. In this show in 1983, a well-known male singer and actor, Yūzō Kayama, is featured along with two former Takarazuka stars and accompanied by a team of Takarazuka dancers.


3. ベルサイユのばら

3. Versailles-no Bara (Rose of Versailles)

From: Video of Versailles-no Bara, performed by Hoshi-gumi (Star-troupe) in 2006.

Yūhi Ōzora: lead vocals; Hoshi-gumi (Star-troupe) members of the Takarazuka Revue Company: backing vocals; Takarazuka Revue Orchestra: backing orchestra.

This is a Takarazuka Revue production based on a girls’ comic (manga) by Riyoko Ikeda, which had already achieved considerable success throughout Japan in the early 1970s. This production, a kind of musical in two acts, has attracted enormous audience, as shown here, since it was first performed in 1974.


4. Reon Yuzuki of the Star troupe meeting with a large number of fans

From: Video taken in February 2014, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Takarazuka Revue Company.


Reon Yuzuki, the leading member of the Star toupe, and fans.



Amusing scenes of communication between a star and fans are depicted here.