02. Choro Manuscript Collections of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries: Written Transmission of an “Oral” Tradition



1. Pedro Galdino e Pessoal do Bloco, “Flausina”

 From:  “Flausina”. Favorite Records 1-454037, 1911, 78 rpm.


Author: Pedro Galdino.



“Flausina” is a music by Pedro Galdino, a flute player who recorded several 78 rpm records in Casa Edison do Rio de Janeiro. This is an example of a Brazilian polka, as played by popular choro musicians at the beginning of the XX century.


2. João Pernambuco e Zezinho, “Sonho de Magia”

 From: “Sonho de Magia”. Columbia 5175 Matr. 380589, 1929, 78 rpm.


Author: João Pernambuco.



João Pernambuco (aka João Teixeira Guimarães, 1883-1947) was considered the founder of the school of guitar in Brazil. In this recording he plays his very popular valsa “Sonho de Magia”.


3. Banda do Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio de Janeiro, “Brejeiro”

From: “Brejeiro”. Odeon Record 40572, 1904, 78 rpm.


Author: Ernesto Nazareth.



“Brejeiro” was the first “tango brasileiro” written by Ernesto Nazareth (1863-1934). Published in 1893, this composition became a great success all over Brazil. This is a recording by Anacleto de Medeiros (1866-1907), one of the first black conductors in Brazil, and the Banda do Corpo de Bombeiros (Fireman Brass Band of Rio de Janeiro)